My precious bab-bee

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Birth Is NOT An Illness... So Don't Treat It As Such.

This morning my wife found an Australian website, offering many good articles and information on conception, pregnancy, birth, post-natal, relationships, and even grandparents. There's even articles about the roles of the father or male partner during and after delivery.

Among the articles which struck me was "16 Recommendations for Birth from the World Health Organisation" which is shown in its entirety below.

BIRTH IS NOT AN ILLNESS – Fortelesa Declaration
Recommendations from the World Health Organization 1985

These recommendations are taken from a report on Appropriate Technology for Birth published by the World Health Organization in April 1985 and are known as the ‘Fortelesa Declaration’.

The recommendations are based on the principle that each woman has a fundamental right to receive proper prenatal care; that the woman has a central role in all aspects of this care, including participation in the planning, carrying out, and evaluation of the care; and that social, emotional and psychological factors are decisive in the understanding and implementation of proper prenatal care. They are:

1. The whole community should be informed about the various procedures in birth care, to enable each woman to choose the type of birth care she prefers.

2. The training of professional midwives or birth attendants should be promoted. Care during normal pregnancy and birth, and following birth should be the duty of this profession.

3. Information about birth practices in hospitals (rates of caesarean section etc.) should be given to the public served by the hospital.

4. There is no justification in any specific geographic region to have more than 10-15% caesarean section births.

5. There is no evidence that a caesarean section is required after a previous transverse low segment caesarean section birth. Vaginal deliveries after caesarean should normally be encouraged wherever emergency surgical capacity is available.

6. There is no evidence that routine fetal monitoring during labour has a positive effect on the outcome of pregnancy.

7. There is no evidence for pubic shaving or pre-delivery enema.

8. Pregnant women should not be put in a lithotomy position during labour or delivery. They should be encouraged to walk during labour and each woman must freely decide which position to adopt during delivery.

9. The systematic use of episiotomy is not justified.

10. Birth should not be induced for convenience, and the induction of labour should be reserved for specific medical indications. No geographic region should have rates of induced labour over 10%.

11. The routine administration of analgesic or anaesthetic drugs that are not specifically required to correct or prevent a complication in delivery should be avoided.

12. Artificial early rupture of the membranes, as a routine process, is not scientifically justified.

13. The healthy newborn must remain with the mother, wherever both their conditions permit it. No process of observation of the healthy newborn justifies a separation from the mother.

14. The immediate beginning of breastfeeding should be promoted, even before the mother leaves the delivery room.

15. Obstetric care services that have critical attitudes towards technology, and that have adopted an attitude of respect for the emotional, psychological and social aspects of birth should be identified. Such services should be encouraged and the processes that have led them to their position must be studied so that they can be used as models to foster similar attitudes in other centres and to influence obstetrical views nation wide.

16. Governments should consider developing regulations to permit the use of new birth technology only after adequate evaluation.

The number of Caesarean births (selective or necessary) among Malaysians seems to be on the rise. Somehow, these days, women, parents and obstetricians seem to have forgotten that giving birth is not something to be feared and treated like surgery, but it is what Mother Nature intended women to do. Women are bestowed with the biology to give birth naturally, and not just as a carrier for their child and leaving the birthing process to medical science and practitioners.

It also seems that current generation of mothers have failed to empower their daughters about their capabilities to give birth to new life. Birth, like any other great accomplishments in life, should be an empowering process.

Monday, May 15, 2006

38 weeks and counting...

Last nite we heard our baby's heartbeat at our gynae. His heartbeat was strong and regular. In fact, it sounded quite amazing, like a big drum beaten to the rhythm of life at 120 beats per minute (twice that of a resting adult).

Sexy kah? Introducing PlayMom, female mag for the expectant father. ;-)

Talked to our gynae about syntometrine, a drug injected into the mother immediately after delivery of the baby to hasten the contraction of the uterus, thus preventing excessive blood loss through the uterus walls, or what is medically known as uterine haemorrhage. We read an article that linked, but without any statistical evidence, syntometrine to what is known as the "3-month colic" condition in newborn babies.

According to this report, major haemorrhage, where blood loss is over 1000ml, occurs in 1-6% of deliveries in the UK. Uterine haemorrhage is the commonest cause of maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Our doc said that when it occurs, the mother could die within 10-15 minutes after the baby is delivered.

Mont Baby Hahn, about to erupt?

Our doctor pointed out that the benefits of using syntometrine much outweights the implied risk of colic to our baby. Also, there can be other causes of colic in newborn babies. We have yet to decide on this but we do feel that our doc is right, and like lots of decisions in life, we have to weight the benefits over the risks.

And like most expectant parents, we want our baby and mommy to be as safe as possible.

Baby Hahn (inside tummy) and Homer (on top of tummy).

Kindly share on this by leaving your comments here. Thanks.