My precious bab-bee

Thursday, October 20, 2005

What not to be eaten during pregnancy

1. Santan
2. Pulut
3. Onion
4. Cabbages
5. Kangkong
6. Watermelon
7. Nangka
8. Coffee & Tea
9. Bean spout
10 Red Bean

Just had pulut for breakfast and nasi lemak for lunch. Aiyo, habis!!!
Fotokem just called, my camera is ready, they fixed the CCD problem already. Cool!!! Can add some pixs to the blog.

Quite a big huh-hah in the office today on Endon's demise. The immediate response from almost everyone is "Tomorrow holiday ah???". I feel kinda insensitive of them, here we have Pak Lah and the rest of nation mourning on her demise, here we have ppl concerns on getting a public holiday. worse still, receive an email on Pak Lah declaring public holiday on Monday, which seems to be a hoax. How can ppl fool around with such thing? Dont they have any compassion and sensitivity? Malaysian being malaysian!!!!


  • At 11:23 PM, Blogger Deng-ded! said…

    Oh dear, you forgot to include in your list the ultimate absolute big NO-NO fruit for expectant mothers, the "Pineapple"!

    A gynae related its notoriety for causing miscarriages to its acidity. So for all those who are pregnant, you are well-advised to avoid fruits or food that are highly acidic.

    Below is the pH of some acidic fruits extracted from Go Ask Alice!:

    pH Fruits
    2 - 3 lemon juice, vinegar.
    3 - 4 apples, blueberries, cherries, grapes,
    grapefruit, nectarines, peaches, pears,
    pineapple, plums, raspberries.
    4 - 5 bananas.
    6 melons.

    Important Note: The lower the pH reading the more acidic is the fruit.

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