My precious bab-bee

Monday, November 28, 2005

1st hurdle completed!

Last Friday, we went for our 2nd checkup at gynae. The appointment supposed to be on Monday 6pm, i was already making all the arrangements to work from home when Jothi called me at 5:30pm, saying that Doc Wong still stuck in OT. He actually had 3 operations that day and when she called me, he hasnt finish with the 2nd operation. One of them actually a cancer patient. Hope everything went well for the 3 patients. Well, no choice but to make way for the operations. My checkup was then postponed to Friday 4:00pm.

I was bit anxious going for this checkup up, as this marked the end of my 1st trimester. Things didnt go so well emotionally for the past few weeks, so i was kinda worried if it affected the bab-bee. Friday's morning itself, i wasnt feeling to well, bit nausea and dizzy, probably due to lack of sleep. Took time off from work after lunch and straight headed to bed. Had quite good rest for 2 hours.

Now moment of truth. As usual, Doc Wong was asking usual questions on health, any changes during the past 1 month. I complained abt dizziness. According to Doc wong, it is pretty normal for pregnant mom to feel dizzy due to hormonal changes and also new diversion of blood to the fetus. Hence, less blood to the rest of the body and head. He advised to drink more water to increase the volume of blood flowing in the body. I lost about 0.5 kg, which is not to be worried. Going forward, I would need to increase my food intake, coz this is the time where the unbillical cord will be fully developed and baby will get direct nutrients from the mom. Gotta eat more good food, especially in the evening when I have the least appetite.

Now, my favourite time, looking at baby. Gosh!!! My heart just dropped when I looked at the screen. Bab-bee has really grown a lot, from 18 mm to 66.3 mm. Now can see the head is fully developed. Hopefully my daily intake of virgin olive oil helps in the brain development. Can see the heart beat. Cant really see the legs and hands as I guess they are not developed fully yet. Doc Wong said bab-bee wriggles a lot; hope it is not an alarming sign. Bab-bee is healthy and normal. Size is good for 12 weeks old. More baba-nam and keva-lam for you, bab-bee.

Phew!!! There goes my 1st trimester which surprisigly quite a breeze through for me. No nausea, morning sickness or vomitting. Bab-bee must be very 'kwai', not giving hard time to mommy. :-)

Luff you bab-bee!!!


  • At 8:34 PM, Blogger paupau said…

    Hi Hi...congrats!..again.
    Can't wait to hear more about your experience :)

  • At 7:08 PM, Blogger Starfeesh said…

    It's a baby! Well done. It looks beautiful. =)


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